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      * Jing ZHENG, Ph.D. Student            * 
      * Institute of Atmospheric Physics  *
      * Chinese Academy of Sciences      *
      * P.O.Box 9804,                                   *
      * Beijing 100029, China                      *
      * E-mail:       *
      * Tel: 86-10-82995180 (Office)           *


1999.9~2003.7  Bachelor's Degree, Nanjing Institute of Meteorology

2003.9~now        Ph.D. Student, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Major :         Meteorology 

Topic of Interest: 

       Climate change and seasonal prediction at the regional scale by RegCM3;

                      Interaction between land surface and climate change; 

       Improving hydrologic process of Land Surface Scheme in Regional Climate Model; 

       Climate impacts on hydrology. 

Hobbies       Badminton   

Academic Activities:

2006.7.30~2006.8.10 First ECCE Summer School for Advanced Study in Climate and Earth Environment, BeiJing, China

2006.5.29~2006.6.9   Third ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models, Trieste, Italy

2005.11.15~2005.11.18  2005 CTWF International Workshop on Land Surface Models and Their Applications, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China

2005.8.12~2005.8.13 The Fourth Workshop on Regional Climate Modeling, Beijing Climate Center , China

2005.8.2~2005.8.11 The IAMAS 2005 Scientific Assembly, Beijing, China

What  in my heart                     

       ##### Where there is a will, there is a way.#####

             ########    路在前方,也在脚下    ########                                                                                                                                           

        Thanks for your browsing my web  &

    Looking forwards to more communication and cooperation ...

